Tuesday, May 26, 2009


These things just went through my mind.


A small and cute “SHORT MESSAGING SERVICE" [probably known as SMS in simple language] from one of my friends.

“Two humans ascended a certain geological protuberance to collect hydride of oxygen whose quantity is not specified. One member descend dramatically suffering mechanical damage to the cranial part of his anatomical structure and the second member follows the first in a series of rapid irregular disturbing movements. In simple English, Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water when jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.”

So what I was thinking was that Science makes every simple thing difficult. I mean the scientific language. The simplicity of the English language is being so complicated by the scientific language. I am not criticizing Science. I meant “Life is so complicated with all Science things going around our lives. And no one can live without it”.



Ten young men decided to celebrate their graduation from secondary school with a dinner at a restaurant. They started arguing as to which seat each should occupy. Some of them proposed to do so alphabetically, others according to age, still others according to height. The argument went on and on... until a waiter disentangled their problem.

”Listen, my young friends”, he said. “Sit down where you are. One of you can write down the order in which you are sitting. Return here tomorrow and sit down in a different order. After that, do it in yet a different way, and so on until you have tried all possible combinations. And when the time comes for you to sit down at the places where you sit today, I promise you to serve you free of charge any delicacies that you like.”

The suggestion was tempting, and the young men decided to meet at the restaurant every day. But the day never came-can you figure out how many different ways there are for 10 people to sit around a table!?

An article published in “The Hindu’s supplementary Young World”.

Adapted from “Figures for Fun”, by Yakov Perelman, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1957.


It was nice little managerial skills of an experienced waiter to cash the little less intelligent secondary pass-outs. There was a factorial of ten different ways which approximately equals to 3628800 nearly equal to 51840 times an average individual can live.



The teacher asked Jonny to step forward. She gave him a book and asked him to read out some passages from it. The entire class was silent as Jonny read everything out loudly and clearly. When he had finished, the teacher asked him to explain what he had just read. Jonny shook his head. “Sorry, Ma’am,” he said, “I wasn’t listening.


Follows an article in the “Education Plus” of “The Hindu” [Newspaper] under the title “Be a Good Reader”. It was describing about the reading techniques. And what most people make mistakes while reading, not concentrating on the matter read rather than the audibility, posture, etc. It was a nice article. Must read once.

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