Mid Life Crisis July.
My attempts to dodge the bullet were completely futile. It was a point blank shot. After a fair exchange of calls, I was ready with a suitcase and a nutcase, a colleague I mean. It's like the more I had tried to avoid this guy, the universe has a way of punishing me somehow. On top of it, I had to stay with him for another two months. Nevertheless, he was the only guy I knew, so I played ball.
#ArtOfSayingNo bites in the ass.
As any logical person would do, I did my part of booking not one cab, but two. The right term that we are looking for is illogical person. Who books two cabs? Dude, I just want to be sure. You know if in case the first cab driver falls asleep. Meanwhile, I am advised on how to do my journey as if I was doing this for the first time. The nutca.. I mean the colleague calls up and advices to share the cab. Now, this guy has a very good reputation of not doing what he tells to do. But then again, the cab fare would be whooping huge and sharing it would be a sensible idea. Or so I thought. "No" was at the back of my head and yet I agreed. What was supposed to be an economical escapade turns out to be a pocket burning - oh wait let me put out the first first. I had to pay nearly twice of what would have been the amount had I travelled alone in peace.
Here's the story of how I got screwed up !
The flight was at 11. We had to reach by 10 atleast. I thought of better and decided to reach by 9, just in case if there is heavy traffic (which happened to be there) and it was a peak hour of the morning where everyone is going to office. I booked the cab for 8 but as I was about to leave the nut calls me to say that We shall share a ride. The basic price was 600-700 bucks, so sharing would have been a great idea. Who wouldn't agree , right? After all is settled and the address shared, I get another call from the nut asking me to come to a said location. I had luggage with me and inspite of that heavy things, I decided to do exactly that. After dragging for a few meters and then hopping on a auto rickshaw, I reach the said location. It was already half an hour past 8. I stand there for about 20 minutes and then I get a call. I was hoping that he is going to stop where I am standing. But he says that I had to come a little more further. So, I drag again for a few hundred feet again. And phew, finally meet and thought I can finally rest. As it turns out, he was booking the cab. There. After all this time he was booking the cab he came in. The same one.
There is one thing any person would do. Lets say I want to go to the airport and a friend is tagging along. I book a cab to the airport and pick up the guy along the way and head for the destination. Sensible person. And if I was any one close to being stupid, I would book a cab to the friends location. And book another one from their location to the airport. And if I were insane, I would book a cab to the friends' place and make them walk for about 5 miles and then try to book the same cab.
Time jus hit 9 and I was already getting impatient. I didn't want to go on this assignment in the first place. Then I had to share the journey with this nut. After what felt like eternity and trying to book the same cab, I finally get lucky but not so lucky. 2.0x Surge since it was peak hours. God Freaking Damn. I was happy that we will finally start moving. But guess what, Hello traffic. We reach the airport, just in time, thankfully and since I was in a hurry and the cab fare would be deducted online, I just bolted out. But this genius hadn't paid the fare for the journey he had done to come 5 miles away from my place. I pay half of his, which I don't know why I did totalling the sum to 1800 bucks. God freaking damn. Since half of it was online, I didn't know how much it got deducted at that time. Totally ripping experience.
To this day, this nut owes me 1500 bucks but he has conveniently forgotten.
To be continued...
#NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) #Day4
#Flight #journey #Cab #nutcase #people #stupidity #WhatTheFuck #KolkataDiaries #KolkataDay0 #newToTheCity #Day4 #ajaykontham #ak #diaryOfAk