" Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
- Melody Beattie
I had been quite busy with the exams-thingie going around these days. I am very much thankful to the fellow readers for their wonderful comments, which generates an urge in me to write much better and much more. I am very much fantasied by their work with words in their blogs. I appreciate.
But even then, a substantial part of the exams are over, there is still a considerate part of the time to be spent with the loamy books. The period is almost a month starting from this very day. I almost got off my senses with my weird-performance in the recent exams two days back, on which I am likely to update tomorrow. More over I am having some problems with the old lazy laptop. I had been using it for more than three years and the hardware and software and all got old and is creating the unnecessary havoc in me. Recently, the latest problem with it is two alphabets stopped working. What the hell !? The most essential alphabet 'a' & 'A' went into coma unknowingly. Another alphabet is 'q', though rarely used, it generates a small chill in the spine when I find out that theses keys aren't actually working.
Rather I overcame this problem by using an external keyboard, but my old sleazy laptop got affected with another problem. The battery problem and the 'hang-on-charging' problem. I guess may be its a hardware problem. Never-the-less, it just restricts me from doing anything. Simply, the laptop really sucks. May be I should get a new one. NEW ONE !? Dad is not not gonna buy me a new one, as I have already made so many petitions, which are pretty costly. Damn !? I need a laptop, a brand new one. At least the "Apple Mac Air" without the CD/DVD input will do. [ :P ] . *Gadget Obsessed*.
Well, anyways I have sent the laptop for repair which is much longer time than I expected. It's been more than a month. As soon as I get the laptop back, I am on the writing spree. FULL TIME WRITING. I have so much in mind and so much to tell and so much to express. But, I am not a person to take a step back and let it go until I actually get the thing. I will surely update as soon as possible with the latest ting in my mind. Well, till then I may hope to keep you entertained with my earlier posts. In case of an extra minute to spare on my blog, lend an eye to my previous blog-posts and do write your valuable comments.
And these are some of the thoughts I had in my mind in the mean-time.
" The unpredicted, uncherished, unprotected, unbiased unraveled mysteries lie just in front of eyes."
"Playing with people's emotions is a good game, until it is played by yours. Then, you might understand the real fun in it. "
More to come. Take care. Till then ...
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